Business Compliance and Integrity

Compliance Standards

CertificationDescription  Year Certified

RoHS – Restriction of Hazardous Substances or RoHS is a European standard that limits the use of certain materials in EEE products when a valid substitute is possible.


UL –Underwriter Laboratories or UL creates industry-wide standards and ensures products meet said standard for the safety of customers and manufacturers.2014

FCC – The Federal Communication Commission located in the US has set a limit for unintentional electromagnetic radiation.2014

CE - Much like the FCC, the Europe-based CE sets an electromagnetic radiation standard, as well as some additional protections.2014

UKCA – The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking is a new UK product marking that is used for goods being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). It covers most goods which previously required the CE marking, known as ‘new approach’ goods.2021

ISO:9001 is a quality management system used by companies to ensure customers are receiving consistent products and services.

AS9100 Rev D (New Update 2021) is an aerospace standard (AS) that was released by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) based on the internationally recognized standard ISO 9001.

As a member of the government-industry data exchange program (GIDEP), we can access and utilize the latest industry-sanctioned techniques for avoiding counterfeit parts, manufacturing, and reducing costs.2022

Better Business Bureau (BBB) works for a trustworthy marketplace by maintaining standards for truthful advertising, investigating and exposing fraud against consumers and businesses, and providing information to consumers before they purchase products and services.



MIL-STD-810G  - The military uses equipment in less-than-ideal environments and this standard certifies the reliability of the equipment. U-Reach Data Solutions, Inc. equipment has been tested for the temperature and humidity, shock, vibration, and altitude.

MIL-STD-810H (New Update 2021) – The military uses equipment in less-than-ideal environments and this standard certifies the reliability of the equipment. U-Reach Data Solutions, Inc. equipment has been tested for the temperature and humidity, shock, vibration, and altitude.

MIL-STD 130NMIL-STD-130N – This standard outlines the labeling requirements for the DoD in terms of acceptable font, text size, bar codes, label material, etc. This unique identifier (UID) is designed to remain legible throughout the life of the device even if environmental conditions are less than ideal.2021
DEF STAN 00-035DEF STAN 00-035 – Similar to MIL-STD-810H, this standard was created by the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense to ensure products can function in harsh environments. U-Reach Data Solutions, Inc. equipment has certifications in the temperature and humidity, shock, vibration, and altitude tests.2023
The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification is a system that helps agencies determine whether or not a company utilizes good enough digital and physical practices to work with sensitive or classified data. U-Reach Data Solutions, Inc. is level 1 certified.2022

TAA – The trade agreement act lists countries with which the US government can do business.


NDAA-889NDAA-889 – Section 889 of the NDAA restricts the use of covered telecommunications provided by certain vendors.2020
ITAR – The International Traffic of Arms Regulations ensures equipment or information that imports into or exports from the US borders is desirable. Expires: 2025-10-312022
ISO/IEC 27037, 27041, 27042, 27043, and 27050ISO/IEC 27037, 27041, 27042, 27043, 27050 – These ISO standards provide guidelines for the handling of digital evidence and electronic stored information. These guidelines are required for forensics.2014
NIST SP 800‐88r1

NIST SP 800‐88r1 – This is the latest revision of the NIST standard for digital media sanitization. The document defines methods for disposing and reusing digital media.


DoD 5220.22‐MDoD 5220.22‐M – This standard defines methods of sanitizing digital media. This standard was superseded by the NIST standard.2006

ADISA – The Asset Disposal and Information Security Alliance or ADISA operates a research center that can corroborate digital media sanitization claims. ADISA offers two levels of scrutinization. The first level uses non-destructive, commercially available COTS tools to retrieve data. The second level uses destructive techniques to read the memory chips directly. This certification indicates that U-Reach Data Solutions, Inc. sanitization functions such as NIST Clear and Purge are implemented correctly.2021 - 2024
Section 1502 of the Dodd Frank Act (Conflict Mineral Rule)A law that requires companies to disclose their products’ tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold usage and origin. Products and materials may never originate in covered countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries.2018